
(Cleveland)- At Monday’s White County  Commission meeting special recognition was given to three White County Citizens who have provided great service to the county.   The commissioners  approved a proclamation recognizing the 34 years of service for Cleveland Mayor Don Stanley. 

Mrs. Barbara Head was recognized by the commissioners  for the 39 years of dedicated service to the White County Department of Family Children service board.

Mrs. Odessa Davis was presented with a proclamation in honor of her and her late husband Ray Days for their contribution to the expansion of the White County Senior Center.  Commissioner Craig Bryant read the proclamation during the commission meeting and said a commemorative plaque will be placed at the White County Senior Center recognizing the couples work.

 As part of each of the recognitions the recipients were told “ you have made a difference.” 


Cleveland Mayor Don Stanley receives proclamation from County Commission Board

Mrs. Barbra Head receives proclamation for her service to the county

Mrs. Barbra Head receives proclamation for her service to the county

Mrs. Odessa Davis receives proclamation for her and her late husband Ray's  dedication to the expansion of the W,C. Senior Center

Mrs. Odessa Davis receives proclamation for her and her late husband Ray’s dedication to the expansion of the W,C. Senior Center