Items shown on this page have been listed as free by the item’s owner. Free items are usually first come, first serve, and may no longer be available. Be sure to call the number listed for information about the item(s).

Have something to get rid of?
Add your item to the swap shop –  Click Here.

Or send it by email to:



Free- truckload of fire wood already cut and split. Also. have a downed tree, just bring a saw and take it away. Call 706-969-5082


Free – Seasoned hardwood in Cleveland.  Needs to be cut.  Call 973-945-0319


Free – Black basil herb.  Text 762-228-0651


Free –A blue sofa, about 11 years old, clean slip covers. Must pick up Helen Highway. Please call 941-270-3395


Free- Kittens, 7 weeks old. Call 706-348-7844


Free – Multiplying onions sets 706-219=2715







*** Potential Scam Warning ***

WRWH would like to caution listeners about an offer on our Swap Shop that was aired and on our website.  The station received a very convincing email from a lady who professed to have two golden retriever puppies and Siberian Husky puppies to give away free to a good home. After one of our listeners responded to the offer, the owner of the puppies started asking for money to ship the dogs without any guarantee the puppies would actually arrive. You are reminded not to provide personal information or pay fees in advance of receiving goods or services, as it could be a fraudulent transaction.  Always verify that the organization or person you’re dealing with is legitimate.