
Jess Hunt Bridge 8-13-16

(Cleveland)- Construction workers  are making good progress on phase two of the Appalachian Parkway in Cleveland.  Most of the work is being conducted in areas that not a lot of folks have access or able to observe.  But, those who travel Jess Hunt Road, have been getting a close up look a what goes into building a massive bridge over  that street.

Cleveland resident Sam Owens has obtained permission from the Georgia DOT to do flyovers  of the construction with his remote control drone.  This past week Owens captured some amazing footage that shows  the construction of the Jess Hunt Road Bridge. Owens said, they are placing six huge beams for the bridge each day. 

If you would like to view the latest YouTube video produced by Owens  click  below. 

  • Special thanks t0  Sam Owens for sharing his work with us.